Together in Hope:  Toward Faith-Based Intergenerational Dialogue and Action in the Climate Crisis
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Also see Climate Change/ActionCreation Care, Creation & Creativity, Creation Care Sunday, Earth Day.


Humanity faces an uncertain future in a changed climate.  Younger generations walk with the reality that their entire lives will be shaped by this crisis.  Mennonite Church Canada Climate Action offers this collection designed to help the generations walk together in facing the climate crisis with hope.  Access the material from different starting points: start here, jump in, learn more, deep dive.  

“Climate change is creating a spiritual emergency that hits Generation Z harder than any other generation.  They can imagine living to 2060 or 2080 but in only a purely theoretical sense; they cannot actually envision what human life will be like then.  Meanwhile, a lack of response to the climate crisis from older generations creates a crisis of betrayal; realizing the adults in your life do not care about your future enough to change their ways.  Thus young people need to become the adults they wish for and take on a terrifying amount of responsibility.  Coming of age during the climate emergency is like learning to swim in a flood.”  - from In Deep Waters by Talitha Amadeo Aho

Children and youth in our communities need the adults in their lives to demonstrate clearly that we care about their future.  We can do this by proactively and wisely addressing the dominant story of their lives and of our time – the many implications of the climate crisis.  Our response needs to include listening and spiritual care along with demonstrations of care through fearless and visible action that shows that we are ready to stop “going with the flow” and are ready to stand up to the dangerous status quo that has led humanity to this point. 

This collection of resources includes books for you (the adult) and books to read to and with your children and young folks.  It includes activities, podcasts, websites and educational resources to help you gain skills, vocabulary and courage so that you can address this “crisis of betrayal” – so that you can walk together with your young people into the unknowns of the future, as companions, guides and caregivers by listening carefully and talking openly.

You obviously are ready for this because you’re here – blessings as you dive in or continue your journey of love, with and for the children and youth that you walk with.  May you find the that the gifts of the church in the climate crisis are many – including hope, belonging and the certainty of God’s enduring presence and love.

If you’re feeling tentative, check out the materials under "Start Here."  If you’re ready for the deep dive, go for it! 

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