A Palestinian Theology of Liberation: The Bible, Justice, and the Palestine-Israel Conflict

Book, 2017, 172 pp
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Addressing what many consider the world's most controversial conflict, Naim Ateek offers a succinct primer on liberation theology in the context of the Palestinian struggle for freedom and self-determination. Beginning with the historical roots of this struggle, he shows how the memory of the Holocaust served to trump the claims and aspirations of the native inhabitants of Palestine, and how later Israeli occupation and settlements in the West Bank have contributed to their suffering and oppression.

Supported by many Western Christians, Israeli claims to the land rely on a particular exclusivist reading of the Bible. In contrast, a Palestinian theology of liberation responds with a counter-strategy for biblical interpretation, emphasizing the prophetic themes of inclusivity and justice. Ateek concludes by providing principles for achieving security, peace, and justice for all peoples in Israel/Palestine.

"Fr. Naim Ateek offers the reader a profound, nonviolent approach to confronting the injustice suffered by some of the world's most poor and marginalized peoples-- the Palestinians. May this book bring about the longed-for justice!" -- Mary Grey, professor emerita, University of Wales, Lampeter

"Naim Ateek writes with the integrity of a participant-observer.... He offers a fresh analysis of the challenges to which Palestinian Liberation Theology is an answer, and provides some helpful new ways of framing the unresolved conflict between Palestine and Israel." -- The Very Reverend Gregory C. Jenks, dean of Grafton, and former dean of St George s College, Jerusalem

"In this book we hear the scream and the whisper of the poor, the sounds of death in the Occupied Territories, but also the whisper of life, resisting and offering hope for all of us." -- Nancy Cardoso, Palestine and Israel Ecumenical Forum of the World Council of Churches

GenreAcademic Theory/Thesis
ExpressionGeneral Writing/Recording
PublisherOrbis Books
CollectionPalestine and Israel

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