What is an Anabaptist Christian?: English

Book, 2008, 25 pp
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People in many parts of the world have become disillusioned with institutional, politically-compromised forms of Christianity. And as this occurs, there is increased interest in learning more about Anabaptism and other Free Church traditions that have called for a radical return to New Testament faith.

In this booklet, Palmer Becker, a lifelong Mennonite pastor and educator, attempts to summarize Anabaptist understanding in three key statements:
  • Jesus is the center of our faith;
  • Community is the center of our lives;
  • Reconciliation is the center of our work.
Leader's Guide available.

(11 sessions)

Also available in other languages.
GenreIntroductory Reference
ExpressionGeneral Writing/Recording
PublisherMennonite Mission Network

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