Nurturing Healthy Sexuality at Home: A Guide for Parents
Book, 2010, 44 pp
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Teaching your children about sexuality is one of the most important things you can do in your parenting journey. Your children's fascination with their male and female bodies, their wonder about "where babies come from," their relationships and longings - all of these are natural and God-given.
If you're like most parents, however, you may be nervous about "sex talk" in the family. This book is meant to help make those conversations happen in a meaningful and fun way, and from a biblical, Christian perspective. Beyond practical advice on habits and activities that nurture healthy sexuality, it also points you to some other excellent tools.
Can be used together with the Body and Soul: Healthy Sexuality and the People of God materials.
If you're like most parents, however, you may be nervous about "sex talk" in the family. This book is meant to help make those conversations happen in a meaningful and fun way, and from a biblical, Christian perspective. Beyond practical advice on habits and activities that nurture healthy sexuality, it also points you to some other excellent tools.
Can be used together with the Body and Soul: Healthy Sexuality and the People of God materials.
Type | |
Genre | Handbook/Guide |
Expression | General Writing/Recording |
Topic | Sexual Education |
Audience | Adults |
Language | English |
Publisher | MennoMedia |
ISBN | 9780836195484 |

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