Peace-Building and Transformation: Being a Gospel Witness in the Midst of Unjust Global Realities

2007, 24 pp
As I conclude, let me reiterate that we are called to be martyr-witnesses (martyría) of the Good News (euanggélion) of Jesus Christ. This is how each one of us can be an evangelical witness in a conflicted land and in the face of unjust global realities.

Some of you might say, “I’m not called to go to a peace-building work between Christians and Muslims. Perhaps that’s your calling. Not all Christians have the same calling.” True. Not all Christians are called to be peace-builders between Muslims and Christians; the Muslim-Christian-factor here is the variable, the specific context. The constant, or the general principle, in this challenge is being a martyr-witness of the Evangel—the Good News. All of us are called to be martyr-witnesses of the Good News of the Prince of Peace! No exception.

Being a peace-builder does not only apply to armed-conflicts. There are many conflicts happening in our own individual lives, in our families, in our churches, in our communities, in our cities, in our provinces, in our nation, and in our world. The root is the spiritual conflict between the Creator-God and humanity. This root conflict spills over to our relationships; hence, we are faced with various relational conflicts between family members, friends, church members, political parties, ethnic groups, etc. I cannot think of a place where human beings interact without conflict.

We are all called to be agents of peace and transformation in each of our particular contexts of conflict. We are called to exemplify harmony with God, with our Being, with Others, and with God’s Creation.

May our lives as martyr-witnesses of Jesus Christ build peace and bring transformation in this conflicted world of the 21st Century.

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