Christmas: A PowerlessPoint Presentation
Fabricius concludes: "Christmas: God’s PowerlessPoint presentation, God’s dressing down, God’s self-demonstration that he has no sense of occasion, that God is God in a messy birth (and, later, in a messier death). And there, I think, is the true wonder of Christmas: the miraculous not in some supernatural phenomenon but in the striking ordinariness of the neonatal (and the finally fatal). And there also is the real hope of Christmas: things are not as they seem; and, more, things are not as they have to be, they can be altogether otherwise. Is a new world possible? Absolutely, because a new world came. And because a new world came, a new world is coming."
Type | |
Genre | Personal Theory/Thesis |
Expression | Sermon |
Topic | Incarnation |
Season | Christmas Season, All Church Seasons, Christmas Day |
Audience | Leaders |
Language | English |
Publisher | Faith and Theology |

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