Being Changed in the Sharing: The Power of Story and Restorative Justice

Book, 2010, 77 pp
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Storytelling is found at the root of every culture, and is the oldest tool for education we have. Restorative processes, by their nature, encourage the sharing of stories; stories of trauma, stories of empowerment, stories of deeply felt emotion and community.

This book explores the intersection of storycatching and restorative justice. Through interviews with people across Canada in groups and individually, and listening to stories and advice from participants, facilitators and other volunteers, authors Lisa Smith and Meredith Egan (of the Centre for Restorative Justice, Simon Fraser University) examine community organizing, evolving practices in facilitation, stories of facilitators, and how the public sharing of these stories can be well supported. This resource is a culmination of their experience.
ExpressionGeneral Writing/Recording
TopicRestorative Justice
PublisherMennonite Central Committee

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