Desert Spirituality and Cultural Resistance: From Ancient Monks to Mountain Refugees: 2010 J. J. Thiessen Lecture Series

Book, 2011, 69 pp
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These three lectures by accomplished storyteller and theologian Belden Lane are inspirational in a way that lectures rarely are. Lane urges us to think courageously about the place of wilderness in Christian life. He contemplates the radical lives of the fourth century Desert Fathers and Mothers, as well as the courageous example of sixteenth-century Anabaptists. He speaks of the ways in which wilderness can relate to the practice of a counter-cultural spirituality today. And he asks: Can desert and mountain gift us with a language to understand the experiences in our lives when we're taken to the edge, finding ourselves isolated and alone, both spiritually and culturally?

Also see the lecture series audio, From Desert Christians to Mountain Refugees: Fierce Landscapes and Counter-Cultural Spirituality.

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