Mennonite Central Committee in Canada: A History

Book, 2013, 328 pp
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A splendid and eloquent story of the work of MCC in Canada from its beginnings in the 1920s to the present.​

"This history of Mennonite Central Committee in Canada comes out of a rich historical tradition, eloquently telling the fascinating and complex story of this well-loved organization. Each chapter illustrates the myriad of ways that people and programs have come together to create a work that we know as MCC, but which is much more than an institution. MCC in Canada is a movement that has linked Mennonites and Brethren in Christ in Canada - young and elderly, rural and urban, women and men - in a deep desire for the wellbeing of others." (From the Preface)

"Connecting People at a very human level was one of the key ways that MCC sought to foster understanding, peace, and reconciliation in a world that continued to groan with hostility, injustice, and suffering. MCC was at its best when it drew people out of their comfort zones and built relationships across the divides. It was at its best when these people-to-people encounters were mutually transformative - and where giving and receiving flowed in both directions." (from the Conclusion)

Winner of the 2014 Manitoba Day Award (granted by the Association for Manitoba Archives)!

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TopicMennonite Central Committee
PublisherCMU Press
ScopeMennonite Heritage Archives

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