We Will Tread the Earth Lightly: A Service of Lamentation to Liberate Us for Action
A liturgy lamenting the greed that damages the planet, the suffering of refugees and displaced people, and decline in faith.
Lamenting allows us to grieve together and offer our sorrows to God. The value of lamentation is that it can unfreeze us – and lead to action.
This resource references materials from Celebrating One World: A Worship Resource on Social Justice as well as Come All You People and There is One Among Us which you may wish to borrow along with it.
Type | |
Genre | Complete Worship Service |
Expression | General Writing/Recording |
Topic | Lament, Creation Care |
Event | World Refugee Day |
Audience | Leaders |
Language | English |
Publisher | Wild Goose Publications |
ISBN | 9781849524858 |

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