Take Our Moments and Our Days: App for Apple Users
A free Anabaptist Prayer App makes Take Our Moments and Our Days prayers for Ordinary Time and Advent through Pentecost available to mobile users in an easy-to-navigate format, as close at hand as your digital device.
Features include navigation to a recommended service for the date and time of day, tracking to keep your place in the sequence of services, an ability to call up particular services, introductory materials and extensive indices that enable searches for particular texts. You can also select preferred versions of repeated elements (Glory, canticles, the Lord’s Prayer), which are then embedded in the service you are praying.
March 2024 update: at present, it appears that the Android app is not available.
Type | Website |
Genre | Seasonal Devotions |
Topic | Jesus' Miracles, Jesus' Parables, Beatitudes, Lord's Prayer |
Season | Full Church Year, All Church Seasons |
Event | Morning, Evening |
Audience | Adults |
Language | English |
Publisher | Institute of Mennonite Studies |
Collection | 2020 Shaping Faith in a Digital Culture |

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