Wild Goose Big Book of Liturgies
Full communion services and shorts acts of worship; liturgies for small groups and all-age gatherings; worship rooted in church life and the Iona Community’s resident group on Iona, in social justice and pastoral work. So – as always with the Iona Community – worship which is contextual, with a strong justice and peace edge.
Also see the second Big Book of Liturgies, available separately.
Contents include:
A Wee Word for Advent
- 1 Opening Words
- 1 Bible Reading
- 1 Prayer
- 1 Song
- 1 Closing Words
God's Family first All-age Worship for the first Sunday of Advent
- 4 Worship Leader Intro and reflections
- 1 Song
- 1 Prayer
- 2 Scripture
- 1 Advent story of Fergie the Frog
- 1 Prayer/Litany
What are you waiting for? A service for Advent
- 1 Opening Responses
- 2 Prayer
- 1 Reflection/Litany
- 1 Blessing
- 1 Introduction to Symbolic action
Waiting in Darkness: An Advent liturgy
- 1 Evening Liturgy with Candles
- 1 Blessing
Bread of Life: An all-age Communion or Lent
- 2 Prayers
- 1 Leader's Worship Call
- 1 Words from God
- 1 Word about bread
- 3 Scripture Reading
- 1 Drama: Breaking Bread
- 1 Child Friendly Service of Communion
A liturgy for the Feast of the Transfiguration: Hiroshima Day, 6th August
- 1 Opening Response
- 1 Reflection
- 1 Affirmation of Faith
- 1 Prayer
- 1 Closing Words
A lament for Jesus & for the crucified of our time: A liturgy for the evening of Good Friday
- 1 Setting and Opening
- 1 Opening Prayer
- 2 Eulogies
- 2 Laments
- 1 Prayer/Litany
- 1 Amnesty International banned radio advertisement
- 1 Ending
A Good Friday liturgy of Bible Readings and prayers (John 17-19)
- 12 Scripture Readings
- 11 Prayers
- 7 Songs
- 1 Blessing
What does it mean to be obedient to God? Worship and drama for Good Friday
- 1 Introduction
- 1 Opening Prayer
- 1 Welcome
- 1 Drama
- 1 Bible Reading
- 1 Affirmation of Faith
- 2 Prayers
Living Easter: An all-age Communion for Easter
- 1 Song
- 4 Scripture Readings
- 1 Reflection
- 4 Prayers
- 1 Drama: The Rooster's Story
- 1 Object Lesson on planting
- 1 Invitation to the Table
- 1 story of our Easter Table
- 2 Sung responses
- 1 Breaking the bread and pouring the cup
- 1 Closing Response
That all my dance: A simple liturgy for Pentecost to Trinity Sunday
- 2 Prayers
- 1 Circling Prayer
- 1 Intercession
- 1 Closing Response
- 1 Blessing
Bell, book and candle: A liturgy for St Columbia's Day
- 1 Order of Service with Blessings and Story telling
Beyond the baggage of Fatherhood: A liturgy for Father's Day
- 1 Welcome
- 1 Prayer
- 1 Litany
- 1 Action
- 1 Prayer of Intercession
- 1 Blessing
- 1 Song
In the Beginning: A liturgy for Harvest Festival
- 1 Opening Responses
- 2 Reading for 3 people
- 1 Poem
- 5 Prayers
Saints Alive! An all-age service for All Saints
- 1 Welcome
- 3 Prayers
- 1 Conversations about saints
- 2 Song
- 1 Bible Story
- 1 Action
- 1 Offering
- 1 Blessing
The saints of God are down our street: A liturgy for All Saints
- 1 Opening
- 3 Prayers
- 4 Scripture Readings
- 4 Hymns
- 1 Meditation
A shorty liturgy of hospitality
- 2 Bible readings
- 1 Litany of confession
- 1 Litany of hospitality
- 1 Hospitality of Christ - sharing bread and wine
- 1 the Lord's Prayer
- 2 Music
A world full of shelter: A short act of worship
- 1 Proverb
- 3 Poems
- 1 Prayer
- 1 Song
Swords into ploughshares: A short liturgy
- 1 Reading
- 1 Prayer of confession
- 1 Closing Prayer
- 1 Benediction
Now come two hearts: A blessing liturgy for a marriage or partnership
- 1 Opening words
- 1 Declaration of Intent
- 1 Affirmation of the families
- 1 Prayer
- 1 Speaking Promises to each other
- 1 Blessing of the rings
- 1 Concluding Prayer
- 1 Benediction
The blessed path: A wedding/partnership ceremony
- 1 Planning Guidance
- 1 Suggested Hymns
- 1 Suggested Readings
- 1 Ceremony
- 1 Invocation Prayer
- 1 Introduction to Readings
- 1 Readings suggestion
- 1 Declaration of commitment
- 1 Marriage Vows
- 1 Blessing
- 1 Concluding Prayers
An invocation and celebration of love
- 1 Preparation Notes
- 1 Liturgy
- 1 Reflection
- 1 Active Participation
- 1 Closing prayer
Friends of the Lord: An all-age service about Friendship
- 1 Introduction
- 1 Opening Words
- 4 Prayers
- 3 Reflections
- 1 Reading: Fergie's best friend
- 4 Songs suggestions
- 2 Stories
- 1 Prayer Litany
Companions ont he journey: A blessing of pets and animals who are a part of our lives
- 1 Opening Sentences
- 1 Suggested Bible Readings
- 1 Story
- 1 Litany of Blessing
- 1 Blessing of pets
- 1 Closing prayer
Hunger for Justice: What's for dinner tonight, mum?
- 1 Opening Responses
- 2 Song suggestion
- 2 Scripture Reading
- 2 Chants
- 2 Stories
- 1 Symbolic Action
- 1 Prayer Litany
- 1 Closing Prayer
What is valuable and true: A liturgy for economic witness
- 1 Gathering Words
- 3 Song suggestion
- 2 Prayers
- 1 Contemporary Adaptation of Psalm 72
- 1 Bible Readings
- 1 Litany
- 1 Action
- 1 Closing Response
God of the Tipping Point: A service of sorrowing, defiance and commitment
- 1 Opening Responses
- 2 Scriptures
- 1 Reflection
- 1 Invitation to commitment
- 1 Prayer
- 1 Symbolic action
- 1 Affirmation from South Africa
- 1 Closing Responses
A Framework for a memorial event
- 1 Purpose
- 1 Content and Style
- 1 Religious or not?
- 1 Music
- 1 Readings
- 1 A Memorial Action
- 1 Following the event
- 1 The framework - a complete event
A liturgy for setting out on a pilgrimage and a prayer for the journey
- 1 Opening quote
- 1 Call to worship
- 1 Opening Response
- 1 The discipline of letting go
- 1 Dreaming and not looking back
- 1 Costs and rewards of walking Christ's way
- 1 Prayer action
- 1 Final gathering
- 1 Prayer for the journey
Type | |
Genre | Worship Anthology |
Expression | General Writing/Recording |
Topic | Economics, Hospitality, Animals, General Creation Care, Friendship, Peace Advocacy and Social Justice, Food Justice |
Season | All Saints' Day, Trinity Sunday, Pentecost, Good Friday, Thanksgiving, Lent Season, Transfiguration Sunday, All Church Seasons |
Event | Father's Day, Wedding, Funerals, Hiroshima Day |
Audience | Leaders, Adults |
Language | English |
Publisher | Wild Goose Publications |
ISBN | 9781849525411 |

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