B.H. Unruh's Research on Mennonite Migration to Russia 1787-1895: A Translation from Part 2 of Benjamin Heinrich Unruh's Die niederländisch-niederdeutschen Hintergründe der mennonitishchen Ostwanderungen im 16., 18. und 19. Jahrhundert (Selbstverlag: Karlruhe, 1955)
Book, 2018, 279 pp
A foundational reference work for tracing Mennonite family history has been Benjamin Unruh’s 1955 publication Die Niederlaendisch – Niederdeutschen Hintergrunde Der Mennonitischen Ostwanderungen. It allows researchers to follow families as they migrated from Prussia to Russia 1789-1895. For years Unruh worked at a lengthy contextual portion, part one, and the lists of names divided by year of entry into Russia in part two. Now, for the first time part two is available in English entitled B.H. Unruh’s Research on Mennonite Migration to Russia 1787-1895. Thanks to a team of translators, researchers, and genealogists Unruh’s work is more accessible than before.
Type | |
Audience | Adults |
Language | English |
Publisher | Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society |
Scope | Mennonite Heritage Archives |
ISBN | 9780973687774 |
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