Wild Goose Big Book of Liturgies 2
Liturgies and liturgical resources for New Year, Epiphany, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, Advent and Christmas. A liturgy for an ‘ordinary day’, and resources for special days like the UN International Day of Friendship and World AIDS Day.
Full communion services and shorts acts of worship; liturgies for small groups and all-age gatherings; collections of resources that could be used to help shape liturgies, or at special events and gatherings.
Services rooted in church, community, home and school life. So – as always with the Iona Community – worship which is contextual, with a strong justice and peace edge.
Also see the first Big Book of Liturgies, available separately.
Contents include:
The Same old way? A liturgy for a new year
- 1 Call to Worship
- 1 Prayer
- 1 Call to reconciliation
- 1 Prayer of Forgiveness
- 1 Assurance of Pardon
- 1 Prayer of dedication
- 1 Suggested Bible readings
- 2 Reflections
- 1 Prayer of Thanksgiving
- 1 Sending
The best gift ever. An all-age service for worshiping with the Magi
- 1 Opening Responses
- 3 Suggested Songs
- 3 Prayers
- 3 Worship Leader Reflections
- 1 Bible reading
- 1 Story
- 1 Action
- 1 Offering
One for the baptiser. All-age resources for baptisms and Baptismas (the Feast of the Baptism of Jesus)
- 1 Baptismal Play
- 4 Baptismal Blessings
- 1 Blessing
- 1 Song
- 1 Story/reflection on Baptism
- 1 Poem
God of desert places: An Ash Wednesday service of taking on and letting go
- 1 Introduction
- 1 Worship Preparation
- 1 Opening responses
- 1 prayer of preparation
- 1 Bible Reading
- 2 Reflection
- 1 Invitation to Lenten Journey
- 1 Thanksgiving over the ashes
- 1 Imposition of ashes
- 1 Psalm of confession
- 1 Act of reconciliation
- 1 Reception of forgiveness
- 1 Prayer
- 1 Suggested Song
- 1 Poem
With intuition, imagination and love. A Maundy Thursday service of anointing
- 1 Welcome/Introduction
- 1 Gathering Words
- 3 Litanies
- 2 Scripture Readings
- 1 Suggested song
Seven actions. A service of prayer & Holy Communion for Maundy Thursday
- 1 Opening Prayer
- 1 Prayer
- 1 Intro to 7 candle lightings with the Gospel of John 13 and meditations
- 1 Holy Communion
- 1 Prayer after Communion
- 1 Closing Words
Seven moments. A service prayer and reflection for Good Friday
- 1 Gathering Words
- 1 Introduction and Prayer
- 1 Liturgy with 7 candle extinguished with prayers and reflections
- 1 Closing reading
- 1 Final prayer and departure
Pentecost is now. A short act of worship
- 1 Bible Reading
- 1 Reflection
- 1 Prayer
Draw us into the dance. A liturgy for Trinity Sunday
- 1 Call to Worship
- 1 Prayer
- 1 Call to reconciliation
- 1 Prayer for forgiveness
- 1 Assurance of pardon
- 1 Prayer of dedication/offering
- 1 Bible Readings
- 2 Reflections
- 1 Prayer of Thanksgiving
- 1 Sending and Benediction
As you come and go. Readings, prayers and poems for World Oceans Day (June 8th)
- 3 Poem
- 1 Reading
- 2 Reflections
- 1 Litany
- 2 Stories
Every day is a day of joy. An all-age communion for summertime on the theme of play
- 1 Opening Response
- 1 Prayer
- 1 Call to Reconciliation
- 1 Prayer of Forgiveness
- 1 Assurance of pardon
- 1 Prayer of Thanksgiving
Where you go, I will go. Reading and reflections for the UN International Day of Friendship (July 30)
- 1 Blessing
- 4 Readings
- 3 Poems
An ordinary day
- 3 Poems
- 2 Prayers
- 1 Blessing and going out
- 1 Reflection
Moving house. A basic liturgy for saying goodbye
- 1 Prayer
The heart of things. An all-age exploration of the Prodigal Son
- 1 Introduction
- 1 Welcome
- 2 Prayers
- 1 Activity/Story
- 1 Drama
- 1 Talking about the Stories
- 1 Symbolic action
The colour of love. Resources for World AIDS Day (December 1st)
- 2 Reflections
- 4 Readings
- 1 Mediation
- 1 Prayer of Awareness
- 1 Prayer
Coming in from the cold. Advent & Christmas resources for remembering the BIble with children and young people
- 1 Introduction
- 1 Resources for Advent
- 2 Advent Prayer
- 2 Advent Poems
- 1 Advent Reading
- 2 Advent Meditations
- 2 Advent Sketches
- 1 Advent challenge
- 9 Christmas Poems
- 1 Christmas Litany
- 1 Christmas Prayer
- 1 Christmas reading
Type | |
Genre | Worship Anthology |
Expression | One Voice Reading, Responsive Reading, General Writing/Recording |
Topic | Water, HIV/AIDS, Friendship, Jesus' Parables |
Season | Good Friday, Full Church Year, Lent Season, Trinity Sunday, Pentecost, Maundy Thursday, All Church Seasons, Ash Wednesday, Epiphany Season |
Event | Baptism, New Year's Day, Summer, Communion, Anointing/Healing, Ministry Leadership Transitions, International Day of Friendship |
Audience | Leaders, Adults |
Language | English |
Publisher | Wild Goose Publications |
ISBN | 9781849526166 |

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