It Starts with a Breath ... a book about mindful breathing: Multiple Languages

Book, 2020, 32 pp
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Fourth Edition

Through simple rhythmic poetry and relatable pictures, the author and her Nursery/Kindergarten students demonstrate the benefits and ease of mindful breathing. Photo illustrations display the emotions students experience and their strategies for self-regulation.

Included is a practical resource page with breath awareness exercises. This fourth edition includes additional students and reflects more of the beautiful diversity of children all around the world.

Two audio narration videos and a Companion Guide: 27 Lessons on Mindful Breathing for Kindergarten - Grade 3 are also available.

The book has also been translated into additional languages.

pakitatāmowin ōci mācipaniw…masinahikan ōma pakitatāmowin ōci
(Swampy Cree "N" dialect)
translated by Lorraine George

ēkwani ōko o’kiskinwamākana wīna kākinaw kākī cikāstēpitāt

Bagidanaamowin Onji-Maajise…mazina'igan onji beji-bagidanaamowin
(Anishinaabe Wanipigow dialect)
translated by Gloria Barker

Zhawaa wendizig madwe'owin mino-ozhibii'igan zhigo bezigwan mazinibii'iganan, gaa-ozhibii'igang zhigo oshki abinoonjiiyag waabanda'iwewad debik zhigo weweni iwe beji-bagidanaamowin.

Comienza con una respiración... un libro sobre la respiración consciente

A través de una poesía rítmica simple e imágenes relacionadas, la autora y sus estudiantes de guardería / jardín de niños demuestran los beneficios y la facilidad de la respiración consciente.

Karla Dueck Thiessen teaches Nursery/Kindergarten in Winnipeg, MB and has over 20 years of experience as a primary school educator. She is passionate about working with children as they naturally embrace the present moment. Karla and her students practice mindfulness strategies daily. She is also a Reiki Master.

“This book is a wonderful resource to remind us all that this present moment is the most powerful moment of all.” -- Keith Macpherson, Author of Making Sense of Mindfulness

“Karla’s book is a sweet introduction to breathing mindfully. With rising levels of anxiety and stress at all age levels, it is increasingly apparent that we need to intervene early and teach our children how to calm themselves. Through simple poetry and photos of children from her Nursery/kindergarten class, Karla teaches young children to pay attention to their breath when they feel upset as a means of returning to a state of peace and calm.” -- Dr. Michèle Keijzer, School Counsellor

"I wish this book existed when I was growing up! Breathing exercises are one of the most powerful tools in yoga practice but can often feel complicated. Karla has taken powerful, classical yoga breathing exercises and made them accessible for children of all ages. Equipping our younger generation with these tools makes me feel confident the future is in good hands." -- Sam Manchulenko, Living Yoga Coach and Teacher Trainer

“This book is a timely reminder for adults and a great lesson for kids to slow down and breathe. It puts into words what is happening to your body during emotional times. By providing some simple exercises, it gives kids permission to own their feelings, and skills to reduce stress and anxiety." -- Natalie Sundmark, Parent

"It Starts With A Breath shares an important message about mindful breathing that all children need to hear. And the rhyme reminds me of Dr. Seuss." -- William Lee Rand, President of The International Center for Reiki Training

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