Spring: Liturgical Resources for February, March, April including Lent and Holy Week
Spring is a liturgical resource book that covers the months of February, March and April. It includes prayers, stories, responses, songs, poems, reflections, liturgies, scripts and monologues for the major Christian festivals and fast days of Lent and Holy Week, as well as for Candlemas, Fair Trade Fortnight and Earth Day. The material is written by Iona Community members, associates, friends and others.
Contents include:
Spring in February
- 2 poems, 2 prayers, 1 reflection
- 2 monologues, 1 script, 2 Biblical reflections, 1 prayer, 2 songs
Fair Trade Fortnight
- 1 song, 1 reflection
Ash Wednesday
- 4 reflections, 2 prayers, 1 responsive prayer, 2 liturgies
Resources for Lent: Common Lectionary Year A
- 1 prayer, 2 monologues child friendly, 2 stories child friendly, 1 song, 2 scripts
Resources for Lent: Common Lectionary Year B
- 2 scripts, 2 stories child friendly, 2 Biblical reflections, 6 responsive prayers child friendly, 2 prayers, 1 monologue, 1 reflection,
Resources for Lent: Common Lectionary Year C
- 4 stories child friendly, 5 responsive prayers, 1 song, 3 scripts child friendly, 1 reflection, 1 prayer
General Resources for Lent
- 4 reflections, 1 story child friendly, 2 prayers
- 2 reflections, 1 story child friendly, 1 poem
Mothering Sunday
- 6 prayers, 1 song, 1 responsive prayer, 1 poem
Spring in March
- 2 poems, 1 meditation, 1 prayer, 2 songs, 1 monologue, 2 reflections
Palm Sunday
- 2 monologues, 1 song, 3 prayers, 4 scripts, 1 reflection
Palm Sunday Evening
- 1 monologue, 1 responsive prayer, 1 script child friendly, 1 reflection, 1 prayer
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of Holy Week
- 3 liturgies, 1 song, 2 reflections, 2 scripts
Maundy Thursday
- 4 monologues, 3 reflections, 1 responsive prayer, 1 script, 1 Biblical reflection, 1 liturgy
- 2 monologues, 1 prayer, 2 songs, 1 poem, 1 story
Good Friday
- 5 reflections child friendly, 1 liturgy child friendly, 2 prayers, 1 meditation, 1 script, 1 story, 3 monologues, 2 poems
Holy Saturday
- 4 reflections, 1 liturgy child friendly, 1 poem
Easter Vigil
- 2 reflections, 2 responsive prayers
Easter Morning
- 2 poems, 2 monologues, 5 prayers child friendly, 1 reflection, 2 scripts, 1 story, 1 liturgy, 1 responsive prayer
Earth Day
- 1 prayer, 3 songs
Spring in April
- 2 songs, 6 poems, 1 responsive prayer child friendly, 2 reflections, 1 prayer
The Earth Awakens
- 1 liturgy, 1 prayer
Type | |
Genre | Worship Anthology |
Expression | Performed Drama, Dramatic Multi-Voice Reading, Responsive Reading, One Voice Reading |
Topic | Fair Trade |
Season | Easter Sunday, Easter Season, Holy Saturday, Lent Sundays, Lectionary Year B, Candlemas, Lectionary Year C, Lent Season, Lectionary Year A, Maundy Thursday, Epiphany Season, All Church Seasons, Palm Sunday, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday |
Event | Spring, Mother's Day, Earth Day |
Audience | Leaders |
Language | English |
Publisher | Wild Goose Publications |
ISBN | 9781849526425 |
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