A Time Enduring: Rejoice! writers share a second set of reflections about life in the shadow of COVID-19

2020, 66 pp
Rejoice editor Leslie Hawthorne Klingler has received many words of appreciation for the first COVID-19 publication, A Time Such As This, and selected reflections have been used in devotionals, sermons, newsletters, and letters of encouragement throughout the U.S. and Canada. Thank you to our volunteer writers for making the publication possible, and thank you to those of you who shared it with others.

Since publishing A Time Such As This, our households and societies have been transitioning into a new phase of this trauma. Now less shell-shocked, we’re more aware of the need to nurture ourselves and one another with real sustenance for what we now realize will be a long and gruelling process.

For this reason, we’ve published A Time Enduring. The reflections you’ll read here, again contributed by volunteer writers, describe creative ways of seeking and finding purpose within the confines of social distancing. They express a broad range of emotions—from an appreciation for the space created by virus containment measures to anger and fear over lost jobs and shattered dreams.

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