Raising Them Up: Children, Faith and the Church
PART OF SERIES The Adaptive Church Webinar Series
ed. Amy Gingerich
2020, 1:00:56 min
Church life got upended in March, and since then we’ve thought lots about how to do worship virtually. But what about kids, families, and faith formation? How have the flannel-graphs of the past been retooled for virtual Sunday school? Studies have consistently shown that a primary reason parents commit to a congregation is because of what it offers for their children—from nursery services or Sunday school to midweek programming. Yet many congregations have set those ministries aside in the last months and are struggling to figure out ways to best resource kids and families. Join the fourth installment in The Adaptive Church webinar series as we unpack together how to do faith formation for kids and families now and into the future.
Genre | Personal Theory/Thesis |
Expression | Lecture/Presentations |
Topic | Faith Formation |
Event | Pandemic |
Audience | Leaders, Adults |
Language | English |
Publisher | MennoMedia |
Collection | Faith Formation (COVID-19 Resources) |

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