Caring For the Earth: Top Priorities Handout
The Mennonite Creation Care Network and the Center for Sustainable Climate Solutions (now the Anabaptist Climate Collaborative) worked together on a handout to help churches discern what is most worth working on in caring for the earth, incorporating some guidance from Project Drawdown.
The front side boils things down to seven areas that make a real difference in the health of the planet and a challenge: to root our work in worship and and expansive understanding of God. The back side gives some examples. Perhaps it still feels like an overwhelming list of options to you, but we’re dealing with a problem that has many angles. We hope you find it a useful communication and discernment tool.
Type | |
Genre | Introductory Reference |
Expression | General Writing/Recording |
Topic | Climate Change/Action |
Audience | Leaders, Adults |
Language | English |
Publisher | Mennonite Creation Care Network, Anabaptist Climate Collaborative |
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