Rudy Wiebe: Essays on His Works

Book, 2023, 200 pp
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The anthology, Rudy Wiebe: Essays on His Works, compiled and edited by Bianca Lakoseljac, examines Wiebe's works and his achievements as an author, editor, professor and mentor who helped shape successful authors and encouraged a passion for Canadian literature. Intriguingly, while Wiebe's writing has been labeled as "brilliant" and "magnificent," it has also been seen as "challenging" due in part to his propensity for a rather Faulknerian turn of phrase and his use of multifaceted storymaking approaches, such as intertextual and intratextual dynamics, and the sociopolitical views and religious beliefs they embody. Rudy Wiebe's literary work raises him to the status of a Canadian literary icon whose fiction and nonfiction are seen as major contributions to Canadian literature, and will continue to be enjoyed for generations to come.

GenrePersonal Theory/Thesis
ExpressionGeneral Writing/Recording
PublisherGuernica Editions
CollectionCommonWord Book Launches

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