Unburdened: A Lenten Journey toward Forgiveness

Book, 2024, 200 pp
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Sin weighs us down, but we long for freedom. 

When sin and harmful words or actions lead to broken relationships, we often have an end goal of forgiveness. But forgiveness can be elusive. Sometimes it can take our whole lives to forgive those who have harmed us. Sometimes we may never manage it. And when we are the ones responsible for rupture, we may long for a reconciliation that doesn’t come.  

Lent is a time to reflect on how Jesus frees us from the burden of sin, both personal and communal. It’s a time to orient ourselves toward the resurrection and Easter, toward the possibility of new life in Christ. It’s a time to work for healing, to let go of grief and guilt, and to reach for joy.  

Unburdened invites readers to hear God’s call to move away from brokenness and toward the healing and hope of the resurrection. Author Carol Penner draws on her experiences as a pastor, chaplain, and theologian to help readers navigate the forgiveness journey. Through prayers, scripture reflections, and stories about individuals and communities, be encouraged to take small steps toward the freedom found in forgiveness.  

Includes a small group study guide.

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