Psalms for Normal People: A Guide to the Most Relentlessly Theological Book in the Bible

Book, 2023, 170 pp
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For millennia the psalms have been whispered in prayer, lifted in song, and recited in worship. They are among the most well-known and beloved writings in the Bible. And yet...

Our familiarity with ancient Israel's sacred songs can obscure their strangeness. Their otherness. Their ... well ... ancientness.

Join Joshua T. James as he unpacks the biblical scholarship surrounding this enduring collection of poetry and songs, from the ancient psalmists' cultural, political and theological contexts to the key movements in Psalms' scholarship. By illuminating the oddities hiding in plain sight, James unveils the wonder and mystery inherent in the psalms, and makes a compelling case for their relevance today.

GenreBible Commentary
ExpressionGeneral Writing/Recording
PublisherThe Bible for Normal People

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