Presentation Guide - Our Diets and Climate Impacts

2024, 6 pp
These materials were developed by the Home Street Mennonite Church Climate Action Group in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Climate change is a difficult topic, one that is far too big for any one of us to tackle alone. Policy development, advocacy, and activism are all important actions we can and must take. However, when looking for ways to engage the congregation in thinking about climate change, our group wanted to focus on how certain everyday decisions can have large cumulative impacts, like choosing which foods we eat. As it turns out, reducing our consumption of meat and animal products is perhaps the most effective way to reduce carbon emissions associated with our diets.

We gave this presentation at a potluck of vegan-only dishes for the church, aiming to bring together food and community with learning (and hopefully demystifying vegan recipes for some members of the congregation). The group also compiled a digital copy of all the recipes prepared at the potluck and made them available to the congregation for their own experimentation.

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