Prosperity Ever — Depression Never: Steinbach in the 1930s

Book, 2024
Acting as a sequel to 'Between Earth & Sky: Steinbach, the First 50 Years', Ralph Friesen documents the culture, faith, and sense of peoplehood in Manitoba's largest Mennonite community outside of Winnipeg at a critical time of its development. Steinbach fared much better than most prairie communities in the Depression years, and the book provides a rationale and documentation for how this happened. Including maps and drawing on memoirs from local writers like Erich Vogt, Al Reimer, Glen Kehler, Elizabeth Bartel Reimer, Hedi Dyck Knoop and others, as well as articles and letters from the Steinbach Post, this book shows the decisive transition of the village of Steinbach from a somewhat isolated Mennonite village toward a modern community on the Canadian prairies. Published by the Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society.

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