Habakkuk before Breakfast: Liturgy, Lament, and Hope

Book, 2020, 100 pp
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This book offers a glimpse into the worship life of the Wine Before Breakfast Community in Toronto, ON. Each of the six chapters in this book offer the following:
  • A reflection or invitation into the biblical text.
  • A musical/liturgical comment on how the songs resonate with the text.
  • The gathering of the community
  • The homily
  • Prayers of the People
  • Prayer after Communion
"These liturgies, written in the language of longing and lament, in the voices Brian Walsh's community, call us to engage with the words of Habakkuk, and with the prophets and poets of our time. These words, forged in shared experience, in joy and pain, call us to join in the radical resistance of sitting and eating in midst of a bewildering age." --Mark Wallace, Christian Reformed Church Campus Ministry Leader "Habakkuk Before Breakfast is like no other book on the prophet. That's because it is, itself, prophecy - and poetry, and preaching, and prayer, and liturgy, and lament, and a dozen other things melded together into a powerful, and powerfully disturbing, whole. A book to shake us up and make us realize that God's loving justice is the only firm on which anyone--or any society--can stand." --N.T. Wright, University of St. Andrews

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