The Great Search: Turning to Earth and Soul in the Quest for Healing and Home
The Great Search recognises the widespread collapse of religion as we have known it. There is a vast diaspora of people living in religious exile from their inherited traditions of faith, and many of them are in search of deeper meaning and a truer relationship with Earth and one another.
This book explores the wisdom of nine prophetic teachers from the past, some of whom anticipated this era of religious exile, and all of whom addressed the spiritual yearnings of this time when the very future of humanity's relationship with Earth is imperilled.
Part of the widespread spiritual search of today is the yearning to know the divine, not just to know about the divine. It is the desire to ground spiritual wisdom in experience rather than in statements of faith. It is the conviction that the light of God shines in the body of Earth and in one another, and deep within us all.
The author’s hope is that by turning again to Earth and our true spiritual depths we will find the strength, the imagination and the vision for healing, and a new sense of home.
Type | |
Genre | Biography/Memoir |
Expression | Narrative/Novel/Story |
Topic | Creation & Creativity, Navigating Post-Christian Culture |
Audience | Adults |
Language | English |
Publisher | Wild Goose Publications |
ISBN | 9781804323465 |

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