The Jar & the Jug: Retelling Bible Stories, Old Testament
To many of us, reading the Bible can feel awkward and off-putting, and its stories quite inaccessible.
Through imaginative retellings, The Jar & The Jug offers ways in, to the intriguing or impenetrable, heart-warming or horrendous, alien or alluring happenings we meet in the Bible. These retellings are written to deepen our curiosity so that we stay a while with the people and events described. Because these are our stories, and when we get inside them and they get inside us, life can be the richer for it.
In the case of many of the stories, the author has provided two versions – one for adults and one for children.
Jo Love is a member of the Wild Goose Resource Group, which was founded over 30 years ago by John L. Bell and Graham Maule. Jo is also a Deacon of the Church of Scotland and member of the Iona Community.
Type | |
Genre | Biblical Retellings |
Expression | Dramatic Monologue, Dramatic Multi-Voice Reading, Narrative/Novel/Story |
Topic | General Old Testament |
Audience | Adults, Leaders |
Language | English |
Publisher | Wild Goose Publications |
ISBN | 9781804323298 |

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