Reconciliation Canada

Born from the vision of Chief Dr. Robert Joseph, Gwawaenuk Elder, Reconciliation Canada is leading the way in engaging Canadians in dialogue and transformative experiences that revitalize the relationships among Indigenous peoples and all Canadians. Our model for reconciliation engages people in open and honest conversation to understand our diverse histories and experiences. We actively engage multi-faith and multi-cultural communities to explore the meaning of reconciliation. Together, we are charting a New Way Forward.

Through the development of meaningful partnerships and community outreach programs, Reconciliation Canada has delivered a series of Reconciliation Dialogue Workshops across Canada, hosted events during Reconciliation Week in September 2013, including the Walk for Reconciliation engaging 70,000 people in Downtown Vancouver, and co-hosted events in Ottawa and Vancouver to coincide with the closing of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.

Each person has an important role to play in reconciliation. Reconciliation begins with oneself and then extends into our families, relationships, workplaces and eventually into our communities.

Reconciliation Canada carries out its work from the unceded territory of the Skwxwu’7mesh (Squamish) Nation.

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