Missional Ecclesiology and Leadership: Toward An Understanding of the Emerging Church
2005, 51 pp
This essay, in two parts, looks at questions of the nature of a missional church and the components and characteristics of leadership needed to be such. Drawing on the rich biblical, theological, and historical traditions of the Christian church, Suderman intersects these with the dynamics of the present-day church and the challenges it faces in being the church. He suggests, for example, that the rich, historical Christological legacy that understands Jesus as Prophet, Priest, King, and Sage should also be applied missiologically to the "body of Christ" (the church) as it seeks to understand its own nature and purpose. Using traditional theological tenets to guide the missiological understandings of the purpose of the contemporary church is an underlying assumption of this essay.
Also in Spanish.
Also in Spanish.
Type | |
Genre | Introductory Reference |
Expression | Lecture/Presentations, Institutional |
Topic | Leadership Theory |
Audience | Leaders |
Language | English |
Publisher | Mennonite Church Canada |

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