Why You Should Give Your Pastor a Sabbatical

VHS, 2001
Roy Oswald makes the case for clergy sabbaticals as a way of retaining congregational vitality. Oswald does not suggest that this request for renewal leave be based on the notion that a congregation is doing its minister a favour. Rather, he appeals to the long-term self-interest of the congregation. A congregation developing a sound sabbatical policy is similar to a company protecting its primary assets.

This video and acoompanying study guide was developed for congregational leaders. It has two parts - the first part gives a general overview of sabbaticals and recommendations for a sabbatical rhythm. Also contained in part one is the first of six points made in support of renewal leave. This first point deals with longer pastorates - how beneficial they can be to congregations, some of their pitfalls, andhow some of these pitfalls can be addressed by a three-month sabbatical every four years. In part two, the remaining five reasons for establishing a sabbatical policy are developed. Several of these deal with the long-term benefits to the congregation.

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