Worship Feast: 100 Awesome Ideas for Postmodern Youth
PART OF SERIES Worship Feast Series
Book, 2003, 112 pp
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This book is full of ideas that can be incorporated into your regular worship, ideas that can be put together to make a service, and stand-alone ideas for short devotional times. Contains a feast of 50 multisensory, experiential, heart-waking, God-praising, Jesus-following worship services that are sure to put your youth group right at God's banquet table. Contents include
- a quick rundown on the worshiping need of postmodern youth
- how-to's and logistics of postmodern worship
- worship ideas using each of the senses
- ideas that focus on movement
- a list of music, arts and media resources for postmodern worship
Type | |
Genre | Group Study/Workshop |
Expression | General Writing/Recording |
Topic | Spirituality at Youth |
Audience | Youth, Leaders |
Language | English |
Publisher | Abingdon Press |
ISBN | 0687063574 |

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