Invisible We See You: Tracing Celtic Threads Through Christian Community
An exploration of the evocative and memorable approach to worship that has been developed by the community at Iona Abbey.
Blending actual liturgies with her own explanation and interpretation of their meaning, Nancy Cocks challenges her readers to 'look' for God in the contemporary world. She outlines the different ways contemporary prayer gatherings and worship 'events' can invite us to recognize what we cannot see: the mystery that is God in our midst.
This resource includes short poetic reflections, stories, dialogues, and homilies. Several pieces were developed specifically for services in which children have leadership roles. Others were designed to attract listeners for whom an extended 'traditional sermon' could be foreign or alienating. Every section develops a fresh Biblical insight and explores 'reverent play' between the ear and the voice, the eye and worship space. She offers a truly profound approach to liturgy and spirituality.
(2-4 actors, 10 min.)
Contents include:
The fierce beauty of God
- 1 multivoice reading based on Nicodemus
- 1 sermon based on Psalm 139
- 1 Christmas day dialogue
Holy, Wholly Holy
- 1 sermon explores John 2:1-11
- 3 dialogues and scripture readings dealing with relationships
- 1 parable for Advent
- 1 reflective reading based on Mark 12:41-44
Gather us in
- 3 reflections dealing with hospitality and welcome
Justice and Peace Join Hands
- 1 reflection on 2 KIngs 2:9-13, Luke 9:51-60
- 1 service based on Luke 18:1-8
- 1 sermon on 'the sheep and the goats'
- 1 reflection on Leviticus 19:17-18,33-34
Christ of My Own Heart
- 1 Christmas meditation
- 1 sermon based on John 12:20-33
- 1 Good Friday poem
- 1 reader's theater based on Tabitha, Acts 9:36-42
- 1 youth service based on Luke 15:8-10, 2 Samuel 11-12:7
With Gifts of Courage, Faith and Cheerfulness
- 1 sermon based on Genesis 28:10-17
- 1 responsive reflection, Luke 19:40
- a liturgy of multiple voices , Mark 14:3-9
- 1 retelling of Mark 6:30-38
Pilgram's Way
- 1 reflection on John 4
- 1 reflection on the Book of Ruth
- 1 multi voice reading for Ascension Day
Amazing Space
- 1 poem
Type | |
Genre | Personal Theory/Thesis, Worship Anthology |
Expression | General Writing/Recording |
Topic | Understanding Worship Planning, Understanding Worship Leading |
Season | Christmas Season, All Church Seasons, Christmas Eve |
Audience | Adults, Children, Leaders |
Language | English |
Publisher | Novalis |
ISBN | 9782895076056 |
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