The Whys and Hows of Money Leadership: Online Curriculum
by Mark Vincent
This seven-lesson curriculum offers a new starting point, suggesting that neither method nor resource will make a difference until you begin with your own relationship and beliefs about money, connecting money with faith. The curriculum expands to include congregational economics, connecting the congregation's mission, vision and goals with funding. It provides sound principles for congregational money management.
Written for pastors to work through individually or with appropriate congregational leadership groups. Many of these lessons can be presented in multiple sessions, or compressed into a short session where the key points are presented as an overview. In this case, assigned reading outside the additional class reading would expand student understanding.
Written for pastors to work through individually or with appropriate congregational leadership groups. Many of these lessons can be presented in multiple sessions, or compressed into a short session where the key points are presented as an overview. In this case, assigned reading outside the additional class reading would expand student understanding.
Type | Website |
Topic | General Congregational Finances |
Audience | Adults |
Language | English |
Publisher | Evangelical Lutheran Church in America |

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