Peace Sunday (Nov 11) Worship Series: Mennonite Central Committee Canada
ed. Karla Braun
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ed. Renata Buhler
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As churches in the peace tradition we believe our call to seek peace and justice is a core teaching of Jesus, a belief so foundational that it often goes unspoken. Theologically and historically we are deeply rooted in the understanding that war and violence go against our call to discipleship. We can forget to impress these teachings on our children; to talk about them when we sit at home and when we walk along the road, when we lie down and when we get up (Deuteronomy 6:7-9). Peace Sunday - and the time leading up to it - is an ideal time to remember this call, to bring it to the forefront, and to give voice to what it means for us to be followers of Jesus.
Also see resources on the UN International Day of Peace.
Note: MCC did not produce materials for 2018.
Also see resources on the UN International Day of Peace.
Note: MCC did not produce materials for 2018.

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