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A Way of Knowing: Poetry, Insight, Image, Trust

Book, 2012, 165 pp
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A Way of Knowing is about small things and little occasions, the smells, colours, sounds, the looking, perceiving, thinking, remembering of our lives and the love that makes them significant. In a mix of poems, stories and material suitable for private or public reflection the book explores our knowing and our unknowing. It celebrates the validity of all experience, singing the creation and resting in the beauty of silence.

The Buddha was once asked, ‘What makes a person holy?’ He replied, ‘Every hour is divided into a certain number of seconds and every second into a certain number of fractions. Anyone who is able to be totally present in each fraction of a second is holy.’ There is nothing common about common life – it takes an awakened sense to see what is mysterious in each ordinary moment, to ponder in our hearts, to really see people and things – not our preconceptions of them.

Sharing the story of who we are and what we have seen, listening to the stories of others, using our imagination fully, these are amongst the greatest things we can do in our time on earth. Imagination matters. It helps us see clearly things as they are and as they could be. It makes the particular universal.

Also see Underneath are the Everlasting Arms: A reflection for Mothering Sunday, taken from this book.

GenreAcademic Theory/Thesis
EventMother's Day
PublisherWild Goose Publications

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