7 Songs about Climate Change
Artists have always found creative inspiration from the times they live in. And the times, to quote Bob Dylan, they are a-changin’.
Multiple generations of artists have lived their lives and grown up in an era of unprecedented climate change. It’s no surprise that elements of rising floods, powerful storms and increased heat are making their ways into more and more songs.
From Disney to indie, here are some songs with subtle (and not so subtle) allusions to environmental conservation and the impacts of climate change.
This resource is part of the Together in Hope: Toward Faith-Based Intergenerational Dialogue and Action in the Climate Crisis collection.
7 music videos about climate change. Some warning about impending change some celebrating connections to the environment. Some songs for children, some for teens some for adults.
Recommended use: Check out these music videos and consider using one for study with youth or adults - each raises different issues or warnings. User discretion is advised.
Recommended audience: Youth, Adults
Difficulty level: This is an easily accessible resource.Type | |
Genre | Introductory Reference |
Expression | Music Anthology |
Topic | Climate Change/Action |
Audience | Youth, Adults |
Language | English |
Publisher | The Nature Conservancy |
Collection | Together in Hope |

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