Winter: Liturgical Resources for November, December, and January

Book, 2016, 360 pp
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Winter is a liturgical resource book that covers the months of November, December, and January. It includes prayers, stories, responses, songs, poems, reflections, liturgies, and meditations for the major Christian festivals of All Saints', Advent, Christmas and Epiphany, as well as for Remembrance, Blue Christmas, Christingle, New Year, Christian Unity and other occasions. The material is written by Iona Community members, associates, friends and others.

Contents include:

Winter in november

  • 1 prayer, 4 poems, 2 reflections, 1 responsive prayer, 1 song

Souls and saints

  • 5 reflections, 1 liturgy, 1 song, 2 prayer, 1 reponsive prayer, 1 story, 1 Biblical reflection


  • 2 responsive prayers, 1 litury, 4 prayers, 1 reflection

Thanksgiving Thursday and Black Friday

  • 4 reflections, 2 prayers, 1 Biblical reflection

Christ the King/the reign of God

  • 1 reflection, 2 responsive prayers, 2 scripts, 2 liturgies, 2 prayers


  • 1 poem, 6 reflections, 2 liturgies, 3 prayers, 2 songs, 2 responsive prayers

Watching and waiting

  • 3 meditations, 5 reflections, 5 prayers, 2 responsive prayers, 1 script

Blue Christmas

  • 3 liturgies, 2 reflections, 2 prayers, 1 Biblical reflection, 1 song

Winter in december

  • 1 prayer, 7 poems, 1 meditation, 4 reflections, 2 responsive prayers, 1 Biblical reflection, 1 song


  • 1 responsive prayer, 2 prayers, 2 stories, 1 liturgy, 1 script

Early Christmas Eve

  • 2 responsive prayers, 1 poem, 4 prayers, 3 stories, 1 song, 2 scripts


  • 1 mediation, 1 song, 3 reflections, 1 poem, 1 script, 3 prayers

Christmas Day

  • 4 prayers, 1 script, 2 poems, 2 songs, 1 affirmation

The Christmas story

  • 3 scripts, 1 reflection, 1 Biblical reflection

Mary and Joseph

  • 2 songs, 5 scripts, 1 reflection, 2 Biblical reflection

Shephers and angels

  • 2 scripts, 3 reflections, 2 songs, 1 story

Holy innocents and Holy Family

  • 2 reflections, 1 song, 1 script, 1 story

New Year

  • 2 songs, 6 reflections, 8 prayers, 1 liturgy


  • 3 songs, 2 Biblical reflections, 3 reflections, 2 scripts, 3 prayers

Homelessness Sunday

  • 1 prayer, 1  poem, 1 responsive prayer, 1 song

Winter in January

  • 4 prayers, 1 affirmation, 5 poems, 1 song, 2 stories, 1 liturgy

The baptism of Jesus

  • 2 scripts,1 Biblical reflection, 1 prayer, 1 reflection, 1 liturgy 1 song

Prayers for Christian unity

  • 1  responsive prayer, 4 prayers, 1 song

Blessings and sendings

  • 9 prayers, 1 responsive prayer, 1 song

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