Credence & Company Policy Template: Violence and Harassment Prevention Policy - Congregations

7 pp
We recognize that all persons are made in the image of God and as a congregation we strive to treat each person with dignity, compassion and respect. The goal of this policy is to assist our congregation in preventing harassment and violence and to set a clear and healthy path for addressing such issues should they arise. We seek to act fairly and graciously with one another, in a manner consistent with our mission, vision and values.

The Occupational Health and Safety Act, as of June 15, 2010, defines workplace harassment as engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. For our purposes, we define harassment as engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against another participant in the congregation (member, adherent, visitor, paid staff, volunteer or lay leader) that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome.

Some examples of these types behaviours include sexual harassment, teasing, intimidating or offensive jokes or innuendos, display or circulation of offensive pictures or materials, unwelcome, offensive or intimidating phone calls, bullying, leering, unwelcome gifts or attention, offensive gestures, yelling, verbal assault, belittling another’s opinions, ignoring or excluding another person, sabotaging another person’s work, threatening comments, spreading malicious rumours, or maliciously alleging harassment by another. Harassment does not include reasonable challenges to work performance or negative job / volunteer related feedback that is meant to improve performance to an acceptable standard.

The Occupational Health and Safety Act, as of June 15, 2010, defines workplace violence as the following: In a workplace, the exercise of physical force by a person against a worker that causes or could cause physical injury to the worker; an attempt to exercise physical force against a worker that could cause physical injury to the worker; or, oral or written threats or behaviour that it is reasonable for a worker to interpret as a threat to exercise physical force against the worker that could cause physical injury to the worker. For our purposes, we define congregational violence as the following: During activities related to congregational life, the exercise of physical force by a person against another that causes or could cause physical injury to the worker; an attempt to exercise physical force against another that could cause physical injury to this person; or, oral or written threats or behaviour that it is reasonable for another to interpret as a threat to exercise physical force against this person that could cause physical injury to this person.

Some examples of violent behaviour include shaking a fist, hitting, pushing, destroying property, physical assault, sexual assault, stalking, criminal harassment, or robbery.

In accordance with our values, we commit to the following:
  • We will investigate all reports or threats of Violence and Harassment in a prompt, objective, sensitive way and prayerful manner and will ensure that measures are taken to safeguard and support those affected by or alleged to have participated in harassment or violence.
  • While we seek to respond in a timely manner, we recognize nonetheless that all time lines are subject to the availability of the parties involved, and may be extended because of scheduling demands or if concerns involve people who are not easily accessible.
  • We will maintain confidentiality, apart from limits imposed by law or as agreed to by the parties.
  • We will support our congregation to embrace self-reflection, truth-telling, healing, seeking justice and working toward reconciliation where appropriate.
  • We will conduct regular risk assessments of our congregation, establish control measures to minimize identified risks, deliver training and education for all paid staff and volunteers to support the integration of safe and conflict healthy behaviour into our congregational life.
  • When addressing complaints, we will document our actions, informing parties both verbally and in writing with respect to these actions.
  • We will not use the reporting of harassment or violence / risk of violence for the purpose of discipline against the reporting person when such reporting is done in good faith. We will, however, impose negative consequences and/or discipline on those found to have maliciously and/or intentionally wrongfully accused an individual of harassment or violence.
TopicSafe Church Policy
PublisherCredence & Co.

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