On the "Reimagining Church" Road: Fall 2023

Periodical, 2023, 48 pp
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  • A restaurant in a church? by César Garcia
  • Signs of hope by Lonnie Yoder
  • When something really old can be made new again by Kim Kabbes
  • Reimagining communion as an empathy love feast by Sunder John Boopalan
  • Question by Kara Carter, Vern Rempel, Nadya Langelotz
    How has your congregation rediscovered ways to “be the church” because of the pandemic?
  • Honesty, our marathon, and God’s faithfulness by Jon Carlson


  • Editorial by Amy Gingerich
    New ways to fish
  • In worship by Anneli Loepp Thiessen and Katie Graber
    Churches, clubs, and God
  • In the Word by Hyejung Jessie Yum
    Unleashing the gifts of peace
  • In the family by Becky Degan
    Sometimes the learning is hard
  • In the details by Stanley W. Green
    On the reimagining road
  • In the world by Alma Ovalle
    Start by asking questions

Leader Tips

  • Welcome to brunch church by Mark Tiessen-Dyck
  • Staying connected, building community by Joel Beachy

Worship Resources

  • Advent-Epiphany 2023-24: How will we know?

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